Buddha Jayanti Celebration

23 May, 2024

Office of the ECA
Diamond Sec. School

Age-appropriate activities for children in Primary, Lower Secondary, and Secondary levels to celebrate Buddha Jayanti as Friday Activity. Dated: 11 Jesth, 2081 BS

A. Primary Level (Aged 9-11).
Cl. 4 & 5
Venue: Canteen Hall
*Class teachers should plan to display children’s work on the walls outside and Choose best students for presentation. Teachers from Social Studies, Art & Craft and Language (Both English and Nepali) should join to make it a multidisciplinary activity.

**Activity: Buddha’s Life Story and Craft**

1. **Story Time (10 minutes)**
- Begin by narrating a simplified story of Buddha's life, focusing on key events such as his birth, enlightenment, and teachings. Use pictures or a short animated video to make it engaging.

2. **Craft Activity (20 minutes)**
- **Materials Needed**: Colored paper, scissors, glue, markers, and templates of a lotus flower.
- **Instructions**:
- Give each child a template of a lotus flower.
- Ask them to color and cut out the template.
- On each petal, they can write one teaching of Buddha (e.g., kindness, compassion).
- Assemble the lotus flower by gluing the petals around a central circle.

3. **Show and Tell (10 minutes)**
- Let the children share their lotus flowers and explain one teaching they wrote on a petal.

Office of the ECA
Diamond Sec. School

Age-appropriate activities for children in Primary, Lower Secondary, and Secondary levels to celebrate Buddha Jayanti as Friday Activity. Dated: 11 Jesth, 2081 BS

B. Lower Secondary Level (Aged 12-14)
Cl. 6-8
Venue: Classroom
Incharge Teachers: Shreeya Gurung & Niraj Timilsena

*Class teachers should plan to display children’s work on the walls outside and Choose best students for presentation. Teachers from Social Studies, Art & Craft and Language (Both English and Nepali) should join to make it a multidisciplinary activity.

**Activity: Buddha’s Teachings and Group Discussion**

1. **Introduction (5 minutes)**
- Provide a brief overview of Buddha’s key teachings such as the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.- One of the teachers

2. **Group Discussion (20 minutes)**
- Divide the students into small groups.
- Assign each group a different teaching of Buddha.
- Each group will discuss what the teaching means and how it can be applied in their daily lives.

3. **Presentation (10 minutes)**
- Each group presents their discussion points to the class.

4. **Reflection (5 minutes)**
- End with a short reflection session where students can share one new thing they learned or how they plan to apply Buddha’s teachings.

Office of the ECA
Diamond Sec. School

Age-appropriate activities for children in Primary, Lower Secondary, and Secondary levels to celebrate Buddha Jayanti as Friday Activity. Dated: 11 Jesth, 2081 BS

C. Secondary Level (Aged 15-16)
Cl. 9 & 10
Venue: New Building Seminafest Hall

Incharge Teachers: Ramesh Pariyar & Bishnu RC
*Class teachers should plan to display children’s work on the walls outside and Choose best students for presentation. Teachers from Social Studies, Art & Craft and Language (Both English and Nepali) should join to make it a multidisciplinary activity.

**Activity: Debate and Meditation Practice**

1. **Introduction (5 minutes)**
- Start with a brief overview of Buddha’s impact on the world and his main teachings.- One of the teachers.

2. **Debate (20 minutes)**
- Topic: "Is it possible to follow Buddha’s teachings in today’s modern world?"
- Split the class into two teams, one supporting the statement and the other opposing.
- Allow each team 5 minutes to prepare their arguments.
- Conduct the debate, giving each side time to present their views and rebuttals.

3. **Meditation Practice (10 minutes)**- Nepali & Sanskrit Teachers preferably.
- Lead the students through a guided meditation session.
- Focus on mindfulness and breathing techniques that Buddha taught.

4. **Reflection (5 minutes)**
- Conclude with a reflection where students share how they felt during the meditation and how they might incorporate mindfulness into their daily lives.

These activities not only educate students about Buddha Jayanti but also engage them in creative, reflective, and critical thinking exercises suitable for their age group.